This User Agreement explains how Maicaro (“we,” “our,” “一迈,” or “us”) collects, uses, shares, and protects your personal information when you use our car listing website (“Website”). By accessing or using the Website, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1. Information We Collect

We may collect the following types of personal information when you use our Website:

1.1. Registration Information: When you register on our Website, you may provide us with your name, email address, and password. You can also choose to register using your Google account.

1.2. User-Provided Information: You may voluntarily provide additional information, such as your location, phone number, or email address, in your user profile or messages to other users.


2. How We Use Your Information

We use your personal information for the following purposes:

2.1. Website Functionality: To provide you with access to and use of the Website’s features and services.

2.2. Communication: To communicate with you regarding your account, inquiries, and updates about our services.

2.3. User Interaction: To facilitate private messaging between users.

2.4. Personalization: To personalize your experience on the Website, such as showing you relevant car listings based on your preferences


3. Sharing Your Information

We may share your personal information with:

3.1. Other Users: When you interact with other users through private messages, your username and user-provided information may be visible to them.

3.2. Service Providers: We may share your information with trusted third-party service providers who assist us in operating the Website and providing our services.


4. Your Choices

You can manage your personal information through your account settings. You can also choose to stop receiving promotional emails from us.


5. Security

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure.


6. Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and any changes will be posted on this page.


7. Conditions

7.1 You are responsible for reading the full item listing before making an offer, buying, or committing to buy.

7.2 Maicaro (“we,” “our,” or “us”) is a platform that facilitates the listing and browsing of cars for sale. We do not verify the accuracy or authenticity of the information provided in listings posted by users.

7.3 We do not assume responsibility for any fraudulent activity, misrepresentation, or any unlawful conduct related to listings on our platform. It is the responsibility of users to exercise due diligence when conducting transactions.

7.4 We encourage users to report any suspicious or fraudulent listings to us, and we will take appropriate action in accordance with our policies.

7.5 Users should be aware that while we may have policies and mechanisms in place to deter fraudulent activity and unlawful actions, we cannot guarantee the complete absence of such activity on our platform.

7.6 Users are advised to take precautions, such as verifying the identity of sellers, inspecting vehicles in person, and using secure in-person payment methods when making transactions.

7.7 Maicaro is not liable for any financial losses, damages, or legal claims that may arise from fraudulent listings or transactions conducted through our platform.

7.8 By using our website, you acknowledge and accept that the responsibility for evaluating the legitimacy of listings and conducting safe and secure transactions rests with the users.

7.9 You assume full responsibility for the car offered and the accuracy and content of the listing.

7.10 Your listing may not be immediately searchable by map or category for several hours (or up to 24 hours in some circumstances). eBay can’t guarantee exact listing duration,


8. Cookies

8.1. Cookies Usage: We use cookies and similar technologies on our Website to collect and store information about your usage and preferences. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device when you visit our Website.

8.2. Types of Cookies: We use both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain on your device for a set period or until you delete them.

8.3. Cookie Purposes: We use cookies for various purposes, including but not limited to:

a. Authentication: To recognize you as a logged-in user. b. Preferences: To remember your settings and preferences. c. Analytics: To collect information on how you interact with our Website. d. Marketing: To deliver personalized advertisements.

8.4. Third-Party Cookies: We may also allow third-party service providers to use cookies on our Website for the purposes of analytics and advertising.

8.5. Managing Cookies: You can manage or delete cookies through your browser settings. However, please note that disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our Website.


9. Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability

Maicaro (including our parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and our and their officers, directors, agents, and employees) are not liable, and you agree not to hold us responsible, for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from:

  • the content you provide (directly or indirectly) using our Services;
  • your use of or your inability to use our Services;
  • pricing, shipping, format, or other guidance provided by Maicaro;
  • your use of or your inability to use our Services;delays or disruptions in our Services;
  • viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing or linking to our Services;
  • glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;
  • damage to your hardware device from the use of any MaicaroService;
  • the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;
  • a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account or breach of the Using an Accessing Maicaro section above;
  • the duration or manner in which your listings appear in search results as set out in the onditions section above; oryour need to modify practices, content, or behavior, or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies.


1. 我们收集的信息


1.1. 注册信息:当您在我们的网站上注册时,您可能会向我们提供您的姓名、电子邮件地址和密码。您还可以选择使用您的Google账户进行注册。

1.2. 用户提供的信息:您可以自愿提供额外的信息,如您的位置、电话号码或电子邮件地址,在您的用户资料或向其他用户发送的消息中。


2. 我们如何使用您的信息


2.1. 网站功能:为您提供访问和使用网站功能和服务。

2.2. 沟通:与您就您的帐户、查询以及有关我们服务的更新进行沟通。

2.3. 用户互动:促进用户之间的私人消息传递。

2.4. 个性化:个性化您在网站上的体验,例如根据您的偏好显示相关的汽车。


3. 分享您的信息


3.1. 其他用户:当您通过私人消息与其他用户互动时,他们可能会看到您的用户名和用户提供的信息。

3.2. 服务提供商:我们可能与受信任的第三方服务提供商分享您的信息,以协助我们运营网站并提供我们的服务。


4. 您的选择



5. 安全性



6. 本隐私政策的更新



7. 条款

7.1 在报价、购买或承诺购买之前,您有责任阅读完整的车辆帖子。

7.2 Maicaro(”我们”或”我们的”)是一个便于用户发布和浏览出售汽车信息的平台。我们不验证用户发布的信息的准确性或真实性。

7.3 我们不对与我们平台上的信息相关的任何欺诈活动、虚假陈述或违法行为承担责任。用户在进行交易时应行使应有的真实性调查。

7.4 我们鼓励用户向我们报告任何可疑或欺诈性的信息,我们将根据我们的政策采取适当的行动。

7.5 用户应了解,尽管我们可能已经制定了政策和机制以阻止欺诈活动和非法行为,但我们无法保证在我们的平台上完全消除此类活动。

7.6 我们建议用户采取预防措施,例如验证卖家的身份、亲自检查车辆并在通过我们的平台进行交易时使用安全的线下支付方式。

7.7 Maicaro不对因欺诈信息或通过我们的平台进行的交易而产生的任何经济损失、损害或法律索赔承担责任。

7.8 通过使用我们的网站,您承认并接受评估信息的合法性以及进行安全交易的责任由用户承担。

7.9 您为所提供的车辆以及帖子的准确性,真实性和内容承担全部责任。

7.10 您的帖子可能不会立即通过地图或类别搜索(或在某些情况下可能需要多达24小时)。Maicaro无法保证确切的列表持续时间。


8. Cookies(Cookie政策)

8.1. Cookies使用:我们在我们的网站上使用Cookies和类似技术来收集和存储有关您的使用和偏好的信息。Cookies是小型文本文件,当您访问我们的网站时会放置在您的设备上。

8.2. Cookies的类型:我们使用会话和持久性Cookies。会话Cookies在您关闭浏览器时将被删除,而持久性Cookies会保留在您的设备上一段时间,或直到您将其删除。

8.3. Cookie的用途:我们使用Cookies用于各种目的,包括但不限于:

a. 认证:识别您为已登录用户。 b. 偏好设置:记住您的设置和偏好。 c. 分析:收集关于您如何与我们的网站互动的信息。 d. 营销:提供个性化广告。

8.4. 第三方Cookies:我们还可能允许第三方服务提供商在我们的网站上使用Cookies,用于分析和广告目的。

8.5. 管理Cookies:您可以通过浏览器设置来管理或删除Cookies。但请注意,禁用Cookies可能会影响我们网站的功能。


9. 免责声明和责任限制


  • 您通过我们的服务(直接或间接)提供的内容; 
  • 您使用或无法使用我们的服务;
  • 由Maicaro提供的定价、运输、格式或其他指导;
  • 我们服务中的延迟或中断; 
  • 通过访问或链接到我们的服务获得的病毒或其他恶意软件;
  • 我们的服务中的故障、错误、或任何类别的不准确之处;
  • 由于使用Maicaro服务导致的硬件设备的损坏; 
  • 第三方的内容、行为或不作为,包括使用我们的服务列出的车辆或所谓虚假帖子的销毁; 
  • 对您的账户采取的暂停或其他行动,或违反上述“访问或使用Maicaro”的部分;
  • 在“条款”部分中规定的您的清单出现在搜索结果中的方式或时间; 因本用户协议或我们的政策的更改而需要修改做法、内容或行为,或因此而导致业务的损失或无法进行业务。
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